CF—105 Arrow Incorporated

Company Intel : Viision - Mission - Strategy

Technology Vision - CF-105_Technology Vision.pdf

comprehensive, advanced technology and manufacturing,

secure supply lines, national security, dream in classified…

Explore...and step into the next dimension

Aspects for consideration and review:
In consideration of what has transpired in the last 65 years of aerospace, engineering and manufacturing, there are some things that can be re-orchestrated for greater performance concerning the Arrow. No doubt, many would say "So much has changed since that time." That is true, however, aerodynamic and thermo-physics engineering genius is consistent with the laws that govern those fields of knowledge. We do not propose to do everything exactly as it was, but essentially maintain the basic design elements and bring it up to speed and beyond state of the art once again. We will know for ourselves, just what the Arrow was really capable of, there are some who do, who were there and know what was just the beginning of something great. 
We believe in freedom of commerce, free enterprise, the power to invest, build, dream and live, to be involved and to make our life an adventure. This means having priorities, values, assessing risks and rewards, making decisions, accepting challenges and unknown factors as an everyday part of life.  It is not a life of fear and holding back, but of the thrill, the quest and the confident pursuit of victory and achievement, to be in the arena and expressing the best of one's ability, the best of who you are and who we are as a country.
We are free to organize this enterprise, this Canadian endeavour, to create and communicate a vision, to take the ideas and expand it exponentially in so many ways.  To build aircraft, the Arrow and so much more, to create jobs-not just any jobs, but exciting ones, well paying, challenging and rewarding careers.  When we think about investing-we don't want any more boring investments, we need to look at it much differently than ever before. When we think about integrity, there is a whole new level of accountability, responsibility, fiduciary duty, corporate governance, trust and verify factors that must be a very real and dynamic part of our everyday inter-actions on a personal, private and public scale. 
If you really have a passion for aircraft and investing, creating jobs and doing something for your country, this is something you may choose to be involved in. Yes, there are risks-just look at the last 65 years in Canada, look at what an inadequate vision and drive has produced and the suppression of Canadian character and technological power. 
We need to expand the Mission and vision we have with Canadians, with brilliant and insightful faculty of imagination, that can do so much more for us and then to get to work and be involved in the Arrow renaissance.
In regards to continuous improvement, some elements to consider concerning the Arrow are:
● Canopy redesign, for greater view and space, material and properties.
● Computer and electronic components, replacing vacuum tubes and "miles" of wiring
● Advanced materials, engineering and manufacturing challenges and solutions
● Fine tuning, engine, fuel system, ergonomics and all those little details.
● A well organized and competent staff of Personnel focused on the work.
● Independent Canadian production, navigation, communication, weapons, engines.
● Other miscellaneous and classified stuff...
Most of all, we would like to make a lot of Canadians really happy, especially the pilots, the people in National Defence, and Canadians everywhere as they feel a new confidence in Canada.  Since flying is all about adventure, we may as well jump in with both feet and explore the world where anything is possible. Only in Canada, Eh! Just the way we like it!

Since you need to know that there is a technology and enterprise continuum in place, and the Technology Vision is not simply an airplane, please check out:

Comeau Aerospace Inc. - :
related engineering, production assembly

Orenda Engines Liimited - :
Orenda Iroquois turbojet design, research, experimental development and production

National Turbo-machinery & Propulsion Incorporated -
turbojet design, research, experimental development and production
Altitude Test Facilty, related aero engine projects

Super Atomized Fuel Systems Inc. : :
engine fuel systems research and production

Vapour Induction Fuel Systems Inc.  : :
engine fuel systems research and production

Battlegroup 301 Incorporated : :
National, Industrial, Enterprise & Civil Defence
National Security & Defence Technology Programs, Projects, Products & more

Canadian Industrial Base

Canadian Defence Technology Industrial Base

Education, Trade and Technology Vision (ETT) ETT-Notes

National Security & Defence Vision

As-Garde Machine and Mecatronics Inc. :
Awesome machine and mecatronic experimental and applied research and development.

As-Garde Aerospace and Electrodynamics Inc. :
Dedicated to the most advanced aerospace design engineering technology in the world.

Fortanium Mining, Metals & Minerals Inc. :

Fortanium Advanced Materials Inc. :

You can also visit something more dedicated and organized at :

Strategic Enterprise Development Inc. :