FORWARD - alternate reality perspecitve
We operate in multi-dimensional space time:

Going beyond that idea, of not changing the past in this timeline, and looking to step forward in space time, we enter the realm of multi-dimensional space time, in fact we can traverse astral domains in time, since time is not linear (we being, someone who has that ability, someone as a key player in the programs of destiny, someone who has the keys to the elevator, someone who can unlock the secret vaults of time, someone…the one, sounds like an avatar, right?

This topic and these related paragraph was inserted about 20 years after the forward was originally written, and has been moved to a separate page, a message, with the alternate reality perspective, which is essential, with the recognition and realization of the unlock decryption code, which is a considerable code more complex than ordinary cryptographic endeavours, except for the goddess of cryptography, and even then once you have the principal the relevant design elements will project like a holographic rendition of glyphs concerning the journey of the soul, including peak lifetime super achievements and purpose…

some of which may seem like speaking in parables, however, this may be understood by those who have the spirit, being capable of discerning those things, and the corresponding elements of understanding that transcend space time, that connects and unifies such magnificent aspects of reality as soul groups, ancient prophecy that is even hidden from the likes of a computer algorithm, which is a hard word to spell on a good day and still doesn't look or sound right, which is a lot different the TLAR - that looks about right, engineering which is a simple way of projecting the super concsioous mind and higher self and genius soul and super conscious mind capabilities into the design elements, not much different than a holographic multi-dimensional object file would acknowledge a match or near match, kind of like when a man sees a beautiful woman and a 100 billion neurons light up and say, that looks about right! Or that is a lot more up to speed, eh!
Of course now, the 3.5 pound universe is a bio-crystalline transducer that goes way beyond 5 physical senses into multi-dimensional space time, which AI is totally incapable of, in addition to the inability to talk with God or experience divine super natural intervention or revelation, or something so lofty as ascension or as some of us are instructed, "seek ye first the kingdom of God…" you may wonder what has that have to do with anything and may feel like you are in some mystical experience at church….hang on for the revelation…

If you would consider the idea of peak experience or peak lifetime achievemenbts, which require challenge and opportunity, and includes creating that environment and everything imaginable in the continuum to make that possible and transform thought into reality, you will enable, augment and amplify your current and future abilities that will result in the transformation of consciousness and character to have that status of super achievement, which requires faith, trust, confidence, even a successful mission tasking experience and knowledge base withe the super power of faith to go forward.

In addition to the change of the total physical, emotional, psycological, mental, psychic, energetic and spiritual state of being, the idea energized by the endeavour itself, the energy of aerospace, and the energy of character building, personal and professional development is empowering beyond measure, we have energy, this is effort, which is diametric or opposite to making excuses, of doing nothing, and in this case it is essential to do more than just dreams, as many already know, dreams without plans are just dream, plans with pro-active effort energized with heart and soul, real enthusiasm is in a totally different dimension, like another reality, a parallel universe so to speak, one that we create.

In individual career choices and everyday choices in spiritual aspects, what you may call mystical, soulful regeneration, even our relationship with God, God the creator, the God that makes and unmakes nations, the God that helps us to transform our life, in simple everyday work to that of a much greater purpose. Deus Vult we create and co-create, that is God's will, we are created in the image of God, so it makes perfect sense to create. Of course we don't create like God, however we work with physical matter and we influence spiritual and meta-physical dimensions.

This brings us to the figure of speech, "I've had to do so much with so little for so long, now I can do anything with nothing". Yes that takes faith, effort and resourcefulness, Deus Vult at work again, your destiny is being worked out accelerated moment by frozen moment, compressed time and expanded time, time distortion and moving back and forward in time, we are not the masters of time, we utilize time and time is on our side, as the universe is a really infinitely gigantic and awesome place and we are not running it, however, we benefit from space time, with the providence and synchronicity that is engineering to our advantage…all according to the plan of salvation. So, what does that include? Save Canada and Defend Canada.

Building Aircraft and Engines is like building character, a physical and spiritual experience:

We may realize that personal and collective or group destiny and being part of an awesome quest, such as any nation building endeavour, that goes beyond simple mission tasking, is established on a whole new order of magnitude, so that idea and encouragement, "Seek you first the kingdom of God…" is the main thing, and being born into the kingdom of God, is certainly more awesome than we can imagine, and naturally to understand that you may need the spirit of God.

In the practical physical and mental realm, it is fundamental to hamonize the left and right brain hemispheres and let the superconscious mind to work with infinite genius. In this Arrow Resurrection project, we exercise and build character, we engage in personal and professional development, we expand our spiritual faculties and capabilities, physically and symbolically our work is transformed, like with and by the spirit of God, the renewal or revitalization of our mind and the corresponding transformation of consciousness is increased exponentially, with individual creative imagination and working with others, with the same energy of aerospace, the same energy of and is the Avro Arrow & Orenda Engines Soul group.
Certainly we need faith, which is a super power on earth as it is in heaven. We may not know, we can find out, discover and have even divine relevation and inspiration in anyting. As for the Arrow, We have already built it and rebuilt it, you just don't know it yet…as the future has already happened and the only thing you need to know and decide is if you are someone that makes a difference, and go forward in time, forward with everyday work, energy, focus and effort.

In the endeavour of creating the future, you right now are creating the future, being pro-active in multi-dimensional space time, can influence time, like influence results, projection of consciousness and new reality. Everyone has different abilities, and encouraging others to express the best of who they are, individuals can be making relevant and purposeful choice points on a timeline, of which we and the CF-105 Arrow represent that time line and everything related to or interacting with or influencing directly or indirectly, creative reality.

Certainly since you need to know, some people at AVRoe / AVRO and Orenda Engines travelled through time and they found out about the greatest adventure of all time, and even if there were challenges and problems, including the vindictive destruction and technological abortion of an awesome aircraft and engine, the future is something that could be created. So now we can learn from the past, will continue with the present and work into the future and awake to our endeavour of the alternate reality creation engine at work…the CF-105 Arrow and the Orenda Engines
Iroquois and all the pure awesomeness of creative development that will be possible.
Understandably, there are better ways to write, present, organize and speak to get a message to the reader or anyone. This is a work in progress like everything and everyone. Have an awesome day in aero space time…